Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tips for Choosing a Baby Girl Name

Girl names are so important. You want to choose a name that will serve your new baby girl well in her life. It can be easy to choose a name that sounds cute when your daughter is a baby without thinking about how it will sound when she is grown.

Here are some helpful tips to consider as you begin choosing a baby girl name for your new bundle of joy.

Think about Double Meaning

Many baby girl names are also common words in the English language. For instance Autumn, Opal, April, June and Summer are all wonderful names for your baby girl but they do come with a double meaning. Be sure that you are comfortable choosing a name for your baby girl that will almost assuredly give her a lifetime of explaining her name to people she meets.

Nicknames are Tricky

Especially for girls when it comes to nicknames these can be branding in school. Nicknames like Sticky Vicky or Dizzy Lizzy may be more than you want your daughter to experience in life. Make sure you think about what nicknames your daughter may experience with her given name.

Think Family

Family names may be just the ticket to choosing your baby girls' name. If you have a favorite aunt or grandmother passing on her name can be a wonderful way to connect your new daughter with her ancestry.

This is your Baby Girl

Just remember that this is your baby girl and she will have the name you give her all the days of her life. Choose well and have faith that your new daughter will cherish her name.

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